
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Study Questions on John Keats' Poetry

1.Differentiate the two generations of the Romantic poets of the early nineteenth century, with special reference to Shelley and Keats.


2. Indicate the place of Keats in the Romantic Movement.


3.Write a note on Keats as a pure poet.


4. "With the great Odes, we are probably at the apex of Keats's poetic power." In the light of this dictum, trace the evolution of Keats's art till his achievement in the Odes.


5. "We can perceive a pattern in the development of Keats's poetry." Discuss this statement.


6. It has been said that Keats's development marks a drift from romantic egocentricity towards objectivity. Discuss the statement in the light of his poems Endymion, Hyperion and the Odes.


7. How would you justify that Keats was an escapist? Do you agree with the statement that Keats was a thinker ?


8. In the light of the poems of Keats narrate the elements of the sensuous, the intellectual and the spiritual in his poetry.


9."Keats is essentially a Greek among the English poets.” Discuss.


10.White a critical note on the Hellenism of Keats. Shelley said of Keats: "He is a Greek." Analyze the statement with reference to Keats's poems you have studied.


11.Write a note on the blending of the classical and the romantic in Keats's poetry.


12."Sensuousness is a paramount bias of Keats's genius." Elucidate.


13"Keats is a poet of perceptions rather than of contemplation." Discuss.


4."In his maturer works Keats's sensuousness is penetrated by sentiment and vitality." Elaborate. Write a critical note on the sensuousness of Keats.


15.Write a critical note on Keats's philosophy of Beauty.


16. The end of poetry for Keats was not the cult of beauty of an external nature cognisable as smell or touch or sight or hearing; his eyes are already set upon the beauty of sorrow and joy, a beauty of the moral being and of the spirit."  Discuss.


17.  "Keats's attitude to Nature is predominantly of a happy gazer at a delightful spectacle." Elaborate and discuss.


18. "Though other phases of Nature are not forgotten it is those of quietness and repose that Keats most affects.” Discuss this remark with reference to Keats's attitude to Nature.


19.Critically examine Keate's attitude to Nature and compare him with Wordsworth and Shelley in this respect.


20.Write a note on the medievalism of Keats.


21. The Narrative Poetry of Heats, with reference to “Isabella”, The Eve of St. Agnes”, 'Lamia' and The Eve of St Mark'.


22. Critically examine the narrative poetry of Keats with reference to "Tabella," "The Eve of St. Agnes", "Lamia" and "The Eve of St. Mark".


23. Analyze the distinctive features of Keats's imagery. Give illustrations from the prescribed poems you have studied.


 24. Write a short essay on the pictorial quality of Keats, giving illustrations from the poems that you have read.


25. Keats has been highly praised for his felicity of word and phrase. Discuss with illustrations.


26. Write an essay on Keats's imaginative quality of phrasing.


27.What are the qualities of Keats's poetry that account for in continued appeal to the modern reader?


28. "Had Keats left us only his Odes, his rank among the poets would not be lower than what it is." Discuss the greatness of Keats's Odes it the light of this remark.


29. Write a critical commentary on the structure of Keats's major Odes.


30. "The Odes of Keats show an equal balance of form and experiences". Discuss.  


31. "The Odes of Keats reflect his persistent endeavor for something beautiful and permanent in a transient world." Discuss and illustrate.


32. Show that the great Odes of Keats are a sequence showing an inter-relationship of mood and subject. Or


33.  "Keats's Odes grow directly out of inner conflicts." Explain.


34. The truth is that Keats's yearning passion for the beautiful is not a passion of the sensuous or sentimental poet. It is an intellectual and spiritual passion. Discuss.  Or


35. "Keats is without a rival as the poet of the richly meditative Ode." Discuss this remark with reference to the Odes in the text. 


36.Write a brief note on theme and imagery of the Ode on a Grecian Urn, and show that the statement "Beauty is truth, truth Beauty", is an integral part of the poem.


37. Write a brief note on Keats's sensuous imagery illustrating it with examples from Keats's poems.


38. Analyze the theme and structure of any one of the great odes of Keats.


39. Write a brief essay on Keats's development from a sensuous to a deeply contemplative poet. Or "With the great Odes, we are probably at the apex of Keats's poetic power". Trace the evolution of Keats's art till the achievement in the Odes.


40. Write a brief essay on Keats's notion of Negative Capability. Illustrate from his Odes.


41. What are the recurrent themes and motifs in Keats's famous Odes? Elucidate with illustrations.


42. Evaluate Keats's Odes as a "psychological document".


43. What are the different attitudes to death that have been dramatized in the Ode to a Nightingale ?


44. "In the Ode to a Nightingale, the world of mankind and the world of the nightingale are con trasted." Discuss. Or

 "The first stanza of the Nightingale Ode sets up a conflict which, progressively enriched, governs the structural and emotional pattern." Discuss.


45. "To Autumn shows that Keats's visior was that of a painter." Discuss. Do you find examples of such a vision in any of the other poems by Keats ?


46. In what sense does Ode to Autumn represent the perfection of Keats's sensuous art?Or


Evaluate Keats's ode To Autumn as a distinctive example of his concrete sensuous art.


47. Give a critical evaluation of the sensuousness of Keats's poetry. What is meant by saying that Keats was a mystic of the senses?  Or


"Keats thought with his senses." Elaborate. Or


"No great poet is merely sensuous; nor is Keats. He is profoundly concerned with the mystery and some basic questions of life, but he deals with them as a poet, not as as philosopher." Discuss.


48. "Keats never takes his dreams for reality or remains lost in them." Discuss with reference to Keats's odes. Or


"Keats is drawn to the creation of a dream world and yet he cannot help feeling the pressures of actual life." Discuss with reference to the Odes.


49. "Keats was obsessed by the close juxtaposition of joy and grief, delight and pain." Illustrate from the Odes. Or


Beauty and Mutability are recurrent themes in Keats's Odes. Elucidate.


50. Write a brief critical essay on Keats's notion that genuine poetry does not need to have a palpable design on the reader.


51. Make a critical assessment of Keats's theory of poetry as reflected in his Letters and as may be inferred from his poems.


52. Write an essay on Keats's imaginative quality of phrasing. Or


Keats bas been highly praised for his felicity of word and phrase. Discuss with illustrations.


53. What were the qualities that made Keats great and that distinguished him from his great comrades? Illustrate your answer from the poems prescribed.





