
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Mystical elements in Emily Dickinson's Poetry

Mysticism involves a deep and almost obsessive interest in such topics as death, the existence of the soul, immortality, the existence of God and heaven, redemption or redemption. Irfan also means the ability to communicate spiritually with God. A mystic is a seer who claims to communicate directly with the divine spirit. A quick look at the themes of Miss Dickinson's poem shows that she is very preoccupied with the effects of death, the nature of the soul, the question of immortality, the possibility of faith and the truth of God. In fact, in the sense that she sought the inherent moral truth hidden behind his material appearance and sought to experience and understand God's power (or the so-called "far"), she had a mystical bent. Her poetry has a strong mystical elements, but in general, it is not correct to call her a mystic.

Mystical Themes In Her Poetry


Many of Mrs. Dickinson's poems deal with the creator, savior, death and immortality. These are themes that can perhaps be described as mystical in nature, and his poems in these themes are the result of a deeply insightful and highly emotional nature, and do not belong to the collection of literature based on the mystical search for connection with God. Certainly there are religious beliefs and convictions. But nowhere can I find an attempt at a complete identification with the Spirit of God that would arouse the true mystic. Although she believes in the things of God and spirits, his faith cannot be said to be strengthened by a meditative vision of God or a desire for such a vision. Death and heaven were the subject of constant speculation with Mrs. Dickinson, almost to the point of obsession, but her speculations about communion with God were not so much desired by mystics. His guesses were imaginative and based entirely on sense experience. Metaphysical ideas can be found in poems such as "Streets of Silent Silence". "Gone to heaven -" "I died for beauty", "Safe in my alabaster room", "Enough to make this bed", "What an inn is this mosquito". In these poems death is seen as invisible and the experience cannot be defined outside of what we know on earth. Since there was no investment in the supernatural beyond the realm of Miss Dickinson's thought, union with God ceased until death.

Beliefs in God, the Soul, Immortality, and Fluctuations in These Beliefs


With her religious leanings and Calvinist upbringing, it was natural for Mrs. Dickinson to be immersed in death and immortality. She continued to point to the reality of God. She viewed immortality as a "flood matter". The question of immortality pressed her inquisitive mind, and her confusion about the secret caused his poetic tension. However, she denied the orthodox view of heaven and even feared that eternity would turn into the destruction of the world. Although she was not convinced that death is the gateway to immortality, she firmly believed that the identity of the soul cannot be lost. In sum, she accepted God as the Almighty Ruler and respected the supreme majesty of God’s person.


Illustrations from Her Poems


In some of her poems, Mrs. Dickinson uses the word "soul" where ordinary poets use the word "person" or "man." These are: "The soul chooses its community", "Creation of all standing souls" and so on. In the latter poem, the use of the term "chosen" makes him an almost divine popular choice. Even the previous verse has been interpreted as the heavenly lover - God. Some of his love poems are openly and unequivocally dedicated to God. These are "Given to you in marriage," "Mine is God's title," "Mine—by the right of the white man to choose," in all of which she is married to God. is brewed," the harsh language expresses the ecstasy that accompanies divine revelation. "Each day is of two lengths" argues that in immortality the soul cannot lose its identity. In two poems Mrs. Dickinson describes the certainty of immortality. It does. These are "Even though the ocean sleeps" and "My cocoon hardens". But in "The street of silence goes away". Fear and alienation give way to confidence and certainty in these poems. One of the best poems His, "Behind Me - Eternity Sinks", is a death story where the soul moves between chaos and eternity. Focus on the moment. The apocalyptic theme is presented with dignity and grandeur. Like Wordsworth's ode to irony Of immortality, this poem sees human existence as a short period surrounded by divine expanses and depicts the soul as an eternal being and returning to it after death. "Things that have not yet lived" is one of His most reliable statement is about the existence of souls after death. She says that those who question the truth of immortality are not really alive. He argues that death acts as a connecting link between life and immortality. The last line of the poem is eternity itself. Imagination The conventional idea of ​​immortality. which claims glory and glorious transformation, is uniquely revised in this poem to present his belief in the reality of the soul after death. "The Safe in the Alabaster Room" is an ambiguous poem. From the traditional guarantees of faith, the poem moves towards a mysterious immortality that is attainable in far-off and infinite expanses. This poem is both positive and negative. The element of skepticism there is definitely more important than belief in immortality. There is little religious consolation and no recognition of personal immortality. Because when a person dies, without having a personality and senses, he merges with a white and alien natural supersoul. Closely related to his poems on immortality are orthodox themes such as the Trinity and the doctrine of the Last Judgment. The poem "The day came at the end of summer" uses great symbols in the Bible and the tradition of the Christian church. The Mass, the reference to Christ as the Lamb, and the cross and Calvary as scenes of God's revealed love are common elements of the Christian tradition and are included in this poem. His general attitude toward God is that "God exists," even if hier belief in God is limited by doubt.

References to Paradise


Mrs. Dickinson sometimes sees death as a gateway to her next existence. It is thought of as a special glory that is shared with the hymns and sermons of its time or the conventional paradise presented in Revelation. God rules over a glorious kingdom whose splendor is described by Mrs. Dickinson in words like "purple." Royal, "Score", "Emerald", "Crown" and "Court". Such words and concepts help reinforce his view of immortality. In certain moods she can write:


The only news I know

`Is bulletins of day

From Immortality.


Sometimes she expresses posthumous beatitude, as in the poem. "Great streets of silence led away."


Irreverence Towards God


Mrs. Dickinson remained a strange combination of Puritans and Freethinkers. Questions of good and evil, life and death bothered him. The nature and destiny of the human soul. and Emerson's compensation theory. However, she sometimes openly disrespected the Puritan conception of God and the Puritan attitude toward God. God is sometimes an enigmatic figure in his poetry. He is a creator who does not know why he created. In the poem, he refers to God as "thief, banker and father". In one poem she observes:


The Maker's cordial visage, However good to see,

Is shunned, we must admit it,

Like an adversity.

In another poem she impertinently apologises to God for His "duplicity".


Mystical in Her Attitude Towards Nature


Here is Emily Dickinson's take on traditional gods. His true respect, the respect which qualified him as a mystical poet, was for nature, which she considered to be a more tangible and beautiful proof of God's will than creed or church. The simplicity and passion of the fleeting road gives us a majestic view of the hummingbird. "One of the Things Midas Touched" is a beautiful poem about an oriole, and "No Brigadier All Year" is about a blue jay. He sings the chapters "There is light in the spring" and "Unknown like sadness". He was drawn to the strange and neglected creatures of nature, such as spiders, frogs, mice and bats, and wrote poems about them all. "Slim friendship in the grass" describes the snake and the fear it arouses in the human heart. All this nature poetry can be seen as a result of Mrs. Dickinson's latent mysticism.


Mystical Poetry Not Her Special Gift


It is useless to look for more tangible signs of Christian mysticism in Mrs. Dickinson's poems. The manifestation of personal guilt for sin, the feeling of Christian humility, the ecstatic joy of union with God, the absolute desolation of the soul in separation from God - all these are recorded in the writings of the great mystics, although they do not appear. In the poems of Emily Dickinson, mystical poetry is not her special talent, at least in the traditional sense.


